
    감리교회 교리 2021. 10. 3. 10:00


    Peace Methodist Church 2021. 10. 3.


    The Means of Grace(2)



    ◎ Works of Mercy


    1) The Methodist Church teaches that the works of mercy are a means of grace which lead to holiness[1] and aid in sanctification.[2]


    [1] Works of mercy are, therefore, not merely good deeds but also channels through which Christians receive God’s grace.


    [2] Both repentance and the practice of all good works, works of piety as well as works of mercy are, in some sense, necessary to sanctification.


    2) In Methodist beliefs, doing merciful acts(doing good) is a prudential means of grace.[3] Along with works of piety, they are necessary for the believer to move on to Christian perfection.[4] In this sense, the Methodist concern for people at the margins is closely related to its worship. As such, these beliefs have helped create the emphasis of the social gospel in the Methodist Church. Much of the social activism of Methodism sprang from this stress.


    [3] John Wesley believed that “means of grace,” include both “works of piety”(instituted means of grace) and “works of mercy”(prudential means of grace). He preached that Christians must do both works of piety and works of mercy in order to move on toward Christian perfection.


    [4] Christian Perfection is “holiness of heart and life.” John Wesley expected Methodists to do not only “works of piety” but “works of mercy” - both of these fused together put a Christian on the path to perfection in love.


    [Source: Wikipedia.org / Retrieved 2021. 9. 27]


    ※ Refer to BIBLE STUDY-7 for the Means of Grace(1).


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