BIBLE STUDY-19감리교회 교리 2021. 9. 12. 22:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 9. 12.
The Existence of God
◎ The doctrine which the first sentence of the Bible unfolds is, that there is a God, the creator of all things. (Genesis 1:1)
◎ The belief of this doctrine is the first and fundamental principle of all true Christianity, and therefore demands our earliest consideration. (Hebrews 11:6)
◎ The existence of God is proved by our own existence, and the existence of what is seen around us, as well as from what the Scriptures declare. (John 1:3, Acts 17:24, Romans 1:20)
◎ All things, which do appear, must have been created by some other Being - that being is God. (Acts 14:15, Hebrews 3:4, 11:3)
◎ The design, also, proves the being of God. Design implies a designer, and the designer must exist prior to the things designed. This designer is called God. (Psalms 95:5)
◎ Hence the works of creation prove the existence of God. (Psalms 19:1, 100:3, Isaiah 11:12, Zechariah 12:1)
◎ The names of God signifies the Good Being, and is applicable, in a subordinate sense, to other beings. (Deuteronomy 10:17, Psalms 97:7, Isaiah 41:23, John 10:35, 1Corinthians 8:5)
◎ God’s most appropriate name is Jehovah, which is not an accidental name, but a name adopted by God himself, and “set in Israel” to express the mystery of his being. (Exodus 3:15, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 26:4)
◎ Question: How is the existence of God proved, aside from the Bible?
[Source: Amos Binney and Daniel Steele, Binney’s Theological Compend, (Schmul Publishing Company, 2001), 44-46.]