Searching the Bible-6감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 14. 10:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 11. 14.
Searching the Bible(6) - Genesis
[1] What is the name and meaning of the first one of the twins born to Isaac and Rebekah? (Genesis 25:25)
☞ The first one is Esau and the meaning of name is red.
[2] What is the name and meaning of the second one of the twins? (Genesis 25:26)
☞ Jacob and the name means “He takes by the heel” or “He cheats.”
[3] What did Jacob get from giving his brother bread and lentil stew? (Genesis 25:34)
☞ Esau’s birthright
[4] What did Jacob dream one night on his way toward Haran left from Beersheba? (Genesis 28:12)
☞ There was a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven. And the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
[5] Who was Jacob’s first wife that Laban gave him? (Genesis 29:23)
☞ Laban’s older daughter Leah
[6] What is the condition for Jacob to get Rachel as his wife? (Genesis 29:27)
☞ To complete week of the marriage with Leah and serve Laban another seven years.
[7] Who was Jacob’s first son from Leah? (Genesis 29:32)
☞ Reuben
[8] Who was Jacob’s first son from Rachel (Genesis 30:24)
☞ Joseph
[9] Who won when Jacob wrestled with God until the breaking of the day? (Genesis 32:28)
☞ God