
  • Thru the Bible-8
    감리교회 교리 2022. 4. 17. 16:00


    Thru the Bible-8 2022. 4. 17.


    As If the Heart Mattered: A Wesleyan Spirituality (1)


    The book, “As If the Heart Mattered” (Gregory S. Clapper, Upper Room Books, 1997.) expounds on John Wesley’s image of religion as a house by exploring three main parts: the porch of repentance, the door of faith, and the house itself, holiness.


    John Wesley’s Vision of Heart Religion - OrthoKardia

    Wesley recognized that certain actions are necessary if one is to consider oneself a Christian. These actions he termed the “works of piety” (praying, searching the Bible, taking the Sacraments, fasting, fellowship of believers) and the “works of mercy” (feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, assisting the stranger, comforting the afflicted).


    What makes Wesley’s vision of Christianity is something that cannot be captured by either orthodoxy (right belief) or orthopraxis (right action). This element is what we have elsewhere termed orthokardia (right heart).


    The House of Religion: The Porch of Repentance

    -Repentance as “Poverty of Spirit”-

    Wesley said that “real Christianity always begins in poverty of spirit” and he preached: “Who are the poor in spirit? Without question, the humble; they who know themselves, who are convinced of sin; those to whom God has given that first repentance which is previous to faith in Christ.”


    -Repentance as “Self-Knowledge”-

    Another phrase that was equivalent to meaning “truly repentance” for Wesley was to say that someone had true “self-knowledge.” Do we expect to enter the kingdom of heaven by orthodoxy? or by orthopraxis?


    Wesley said: “Learn to hang naked upon the cross of Christ, counting all you have done but filth and dross. Apply yourself to him just in the spirit of the dying thief, of the harlot with her seven devils; else you are still on the sand, and after saving others you will lose your own soul.” And how are we to accomplish this? “Now, therefore, build your house upon a rock. By the grace of God, know yourself.”

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