감리교회 교리
Searching the Bible-7감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 21. 15:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 11. 21. Searching the Bible(7) - Genesis [1] What is the name of the place where Jacob set up a pillar of stone and poured out a drink offering on it? (Genesis 35:15) ☞ Bethel [2] Where was Rachel buried after her death? (Genesis 35:19) ☞ On the way to Ephrath(Bethlehem) [3] What was the first dream that Joseph said to his brothers? (Genesis 37:7) ☞ Brothers’ sheaves..
BIBLE STUDY-27감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 14. 18:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 11. 14. The Witness of Christ ◎ Revelation 12:7~12 (ESV) 7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of ..
Searching the Bible-6감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 14. 10:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 11. 14. Searching the Bible(6) - Genesis [1] What is the name and meaning of the first one of the twins born to Isaac and Rebekah? (Genesis 25:25) ☞ The first one is Esau and the meaning of name is red. [2] What is the name and meaning of the second one of the twins? (Genesis 25:26) ☞ Jacob and the name means “He takes by the heel” or “He cheats.” [3] What did Jacob ..
Searching the Bible-5감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 7. 20:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 10. 31. Searching the Bible(5) - Genesis [1] When Abram was ninety-nine years old, what command did God say to him? (Genesis 17:1) ☞ Walk before me, and be blameless. [2] What new name did God give Abram? (Genesis 17:5) ☞ Abraham(father of a multitude) [3] What foods did Abraham serve to the three men who appeared in front of him? (Genesis 18:6~8) ☞ Some baked breads..
BIBLE STUDY-26감리교회 교리 2021. 11. 6. 21:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 11. 7. Matthew 21:18~22 ◎ Matthew 21:19 CEB He saw a fig tree along the road, but when he came to it, he found nothing except leaves. Then he said to it, “You’ll never again bear fruit!” The fig tree dried up at once. [A] Warning for the barren fig tree. Fig tree, vine tree, and olive tree are symbol of the Israelite people. ◎ Jeremiah 8:13 ESV When I would gather th..
BIBLE STUDY-25감리교회 교리 2021. 10. 31. 18:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 10. 31. The Apostles’ Creed ◎ While the New Testament was being formed, the Roman church was developing a formula that would later become the nucleus of our present Apostles’ Creed. ◎ Soon the Roman church saw the increasing need to use the catechumen at baptism as a manner of assuring the orthodoxy of the newly baptized. ◎ Thus developed a baptismal formular that mu..
Searching the Bible-4감리교회 교리 2021. 10. 24. 18:00
Peace Methodist Church 2021. 10. 24. Searching the Bible(4) - Genesis [1] What did God put as a sign of the covenant with Noah? (Genesis 9:13) ☞ Bow(rainbow) [2] Whom of Noah’s sons did not see his father's nakedness? (Genesis 9:23) ☞ Shem and Japheth walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. [3] What does Genesis chapter 10 describe in relation to the tower of Babel? (Genesis c..