
    감리교회 교리 2020. 7. 19. 18:00

    Peace Methodist Church



    Salvation(4) - Key Words


    ◎ Trinity

    The knowledge of the Three-One God is interwoven with all true Christian faith, with all vital religion.


    ◎ Grace

    To retain the grace of God is much more than to gain it hardly one in three does this.


    ◎ Sin

    No man sins because he has not grace, but because he does not use the grace which he has.


    ◎ Faith

    Christian faith is not only an assent to the whole gospel of Christ, but also a full reliance on the blood of Christ, a trust in the merits of his life, death, and resurrection; a recumbency on him as our atonement and our life, as given for us, and living in us.


    ◎ Repentance

    Repentance frequently means an inward change, a change of mind from sin to holiness. But we now speak of it in a quite difference sense, as it is one kind of self-knowledge, the knowing ourselves sinners, guilty, helpless sinners, even though we know we are children of God.


    ◎ Justification

    God justifies not the godly, but the ungodly; not those that are holy already, but the unholy.


    ◎ New Birth

    The new birth is about an inward thing; a change from inward wickedness to inward goodness; an entire change of our inmost nature from the image of devil to the image of God.


    ◎ Sanctification

    Sanctification is in some degree the immediate fruit of justification. It implies what God works in us by the Holy Spirit.


    ◎ Perfection

    Christian perfection is that loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This implies that no wrong temper, non contrary to love, remains in the soul; and that all the thoughts, words, and actions are governed by pure love.


    ◎ Salvation

    Salvation is the entire work of Triune God, from the first dawning of grace in the soul till it is consummated in glory.


    ◎ Methodist Identity

    Methodism is the religion of the Bible, the religion of the primitive Church. The essence of it is holiness of heart and life.


    [All quotations from the Works of John Wesley]


    ◁Amazing Grace▷

    Amazing grace,

    How sweet the sound!

    That saved a wretch like me.

    I once was lost,

    but now I am found!

    Was blind, but now I see.


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