Pastoral Prayer 1마음과 생활의 성결 2021. 3. 14. 11:00
Pastoral Prayer
Let us pray:
Gracious God,
Thank you for protecting us and giving us grace for the past week.
We believe in the truth that by grace we have been saved through faith.
All the blessings we have experienced in our life are gifts from you.
We know that we have done nothing to deserve them.
Help us to move beyond simply knowing about you
into a vital relationship with you based on faithful covenant,
and into a life rooted in Jesus Christ,
as we rely on his death and resurrection in our daily life.
Cleanse our heart and make us pure.
When we are tempted to think that faith is all we need,
remind us that the purpose of faith is the restoration
of true holiness in our heart and life.
Faith is always a means to love’s end.
May we never rest in our faith as if it were an end in itself,
rather help us to reply on your love as we seek to live faithfully.
May all the good that we are able to accomplish in your strength lead us away from pride or boasting and always point to you as the source of all that is good.
We know that we are safe in your arms whenever we put our entire trust in you. And now again we make up our mind to stand on God’s side at any time, in any situation.
Please give us courage to proclaim this wonderful news to all those around us who long to find their way home in heaven, and when we proclaim faith and merit of Christ, please let many people return to the love of God.
Our Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to all of us and especially pastor Jang now so that he preach the word of God with the power of God.
Holy Spirit, guide us all till our worship is finished and may God alone be glorified during the worship.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
[Cited and modified from "Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit" by Paul Chilcote, p.11~p.12]