
    감리교회 교리 2020. 5. 16. 13:30

    Peace Methodist Church



    The Triune God


    Who God is:

    We believes in God as a Trinity three persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons. God in three persons is one way of speaking about the several ways we experience God.


    We also know the attributes of God (divine nature) in the Bible:

    God is transcendent (over and beyond all that is),

    God is omnipresent (everywhere at once),

    God is omnipotent (all-powerful),

    God is omniscient (all-knowing).

    and God is righteous, just, loving, merciful.


    What God does:

    We cannot describe God with certainty. But we can put into words what God does and how we experience God's action in our lives.


    God creates. In the beginning God created the universe, and the Creation is ongoing. From the whirling galaxies, to subatomic particles, to the unfathomable wonders of our own minds and bodies we marvel at God's creative wisdom.


    God loves. God loves all creation. In particular, God loves humankind, created in the divine image. This love is like that of a parent. We've followed Jesus in speaking of God as "our Father," while at times it seems that God nurtures us in a motherly way as well.


    God judges. All human behavior is measured by God's righteous standards not only the behavior itself but also the motive or the intent. The Lord of life knows our sin and judges it.


    God redeems. Out of infinite love for each of us, God forgives our own self-destruction and renews us within. God is reconciling the individuals, groups, races, and nations that have been rent apart. God is redeeming all creation.


    God reigns. God is the Lord of all creation and of all history. Though it may oftentimes seem that the "principalities and powers" of evil have the stronger hand, we affirm God's present and future reign.


    Question for Thought and Discussion

    The attributes of God are those that are shared with human and those that are not shared with human. Let's think about each of these. Let's share what each means.

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