Be faithful workers for the kingdom of God.교회력에 따른 본문 중심 설교 2018. 10. 29. 13:00
[The Four Stages Storytelling Sermon: Proposition-Problem analysis-Gospel presentation-Consequence]
Matthew 21:28-32 (Summary)
Be faithful workers for the kingdom of God.
A. We are workers for the kingdom of God.
{There was a man with two sons. He went to the first and said, “Go and work in my vineyard today, my son.”}(Verse 28).
A father told his eldest son to work in the vineyard today. His eldest son answered with a respectful answer, “Yes, sir, I will,” but he didn't go. On the same command, the second son said at first, “I don't want to go,” but later regretted it and go and worked. Through this parable, Jesus emphasizes that we have been called faithful workers who build the kingdom of God. First son and second son is not important.
B. The kingdom of God is not made by itself
{He said, “All right, sir,” but he never went near it.}(Verse 29).
Jewish religious leaders recognized themselves as sons of Abraham and of course entered the kingdom of God. They also treated tax collectors and prostitutes as sinners. We believers should abandon their sense of prerogative and of superiority. Who we are depends on our actions. The kingdom of God is not made by itself. If we say “yes” and do nothing, the kingdom of God will not be established.
C. We should faithfully practice the will of God.
{Which of these two did what their father wanted?” “The second one,” they replied.}(Verse 31).
Jesus preached this parable and asked, “Which of these two did what their father wanted?” There is a message in this question. The kingdom of God is made by doing the will of God. Jesus said, “It is not everyone who keeps saying to me ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the man who actually does my Heavenly Father’s will.”(Matthew 7:21). Jesus also emphasized that purpose of a devotional life is to bear good fruit(Matthew 7:19). To obey the will of God is the best way to build the kingdom of God.
D. The person who does the will of God is worthy for the kingdom of God.
{“Yes, and I tell you that tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God in front of you!” retorted Jesus.}(Verse 31).
Jesus said the tax collectors and prostitutes would enter the kingdom of God before the Jewish religious leaders. In this text, ‘go before’(proago) means that it is appropriate for the kingdom of God. It is not an ordered concept. If we are the last to stand, and if we are at the bottom, there is no need to be discouraged. The Lord rejoices in those who practice even the smallest things(Matthew 5:19). These people are worthy for the kingdom of God.
Matthew 21:28-32 Phillips(1958)
28 “But what is your opinion about this? There was a man with two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Go and work in my vineyard today, my son,’
29 he said, ‘All right, sir,’ but he never went near it.
30 Then his father approached the second son with the same request. He said, ‘I won’t.’ But afterwards he changed his mind and went.
31 Which of these two did what their father wanted?” “The second one,” they replied. “Yes, and I tell you that tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God in front of you!” retorted Jesus.
32 “For John came to you as a saint, and you did not believe him, yet the tax-collectors and the prostitutes did! And, even after seeing that, you would not change your minds and believe him.”