
  • Wesley’s Vocabulary and Today’s Equivalent Meaning
    감리교회 교리 2022. 8. 7. 20:00

    Wesley’s Vocabulary and Today’s Equivalent Meaning


    analogy of faith ☞ evangelical system of belief

    bowels ☞ center of emotion or heart

    to be careful ☞ to worry

    charity ☞ love

    conversation ☞ manner of life

    disinterested ☞ impartial

    ejaculation ☞ exclamation

    end ☞ goal or purpose

    experimental ☞ experiential

    filial ☞ of sonship

    an increase of ☞ more

    intercourse ☞ interaction or relationship

    meet ☞ fit or proper

    nice ☞ overly concerned

    peculiar ☞ distinct or particular

    prevent ☞ precede

    primitive ☞ early or original

    prove ☞ know by experience

    retirement ☞ privacy or seclusion

    several ☞ different or various

    singular ☞ distinct

    styled ☞ known as

    temper ☞ attitude or disposition

    to own ☞ to acknowledge

    vulgar ☞ common or popular

    want ☞ lack or need

    [Sources: Kenneth C. Kinghorn, John Wesley on Christian Beliefs: The Standard Sermons in Modern English, Vol. 1., Abingdon Press, 2002. p. 14-15. and wesley.nnu.edu/?id=936 Retrieved July 24 2022.]

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